Skylar Luc
Associate of Science (Nursing interest)
Skylar Luc is pursuing a career as a nurse, and she came to Delaware Tech on the SEED Scholarship Program to start working toward that career goal. In high school, Skylar took early childhood and allied health classes, where she discovered she loves working with kids. "I thought, 'why not be a pediatric nurse so I can do both: nursing and working with kids.'"
Since coming to Delaware Tech, Skylar has improved her time management skills. "Time management was something I had to figure out and being online made it really hard to prioritize schoolwork; I found a system that works for me and I have stuck to it." She added, "I have also become more organized."
Skylar advises students to, "put in the time, do your work, and ask for help if you need it."
After graduating from Delaware Tech, Skylar would like to become a travel nurse and "experience the world." She would like to work as a pediatric nurse.

Program of Study
Associate of Science (Nursing interest)
Skylar is a member of Delaware Tech’s Women’s Basketball team.
She was nominated by Angela Harper, Student-Athlete Academic Development Specialist.